Welcome to Dementia Jersey’s Big Brain Challenge!
The challenge is to navigate your way to all 25 locations on the island to have a chance to win an iPad donated by Jersey Telecom.
Jersey Telecom.
Each location contains some information about improving your brain health, and a clue to the next location. As you read the information about improving your brain health, you will notice that there is a letter in purple. Make a record of each purple letter at each site so that once you have visited them all you will be able to make a phrase about brain health. You can then submit the phrase via our website, giving you a chance to win an iPad.
Keep Connected.
We know that keeping socially connected to other people has a significant benefit for brain health. However, the reason for this link isn’t yet completely clear, but researchers have put forward some theories.
One possibility is that early symptoms of the diseases that cause dementia may prevent people from being socially active. We know that diseases like Alzheimer’s begin to cause changes to the brain years before symptoms like memory loss start to show, and this can cause very subtle changes in behaviour early on. Social isolation might be a result of such symptoms, rather than a cause.
Another leading theory is that spending time with other people can help us stay mentally active. We’ve probably all experienced this at one time or another: a stimulating conversation with someone we like is not only a fun way to spend time, it gets our cogs whirring too. And keeping our brains active can help build ‘cognitive reserve’ – a type of resilience that helps the brain withstand damage for longer in the face of diseases like Alzheimer’s.
What we can conclude, is that keeping connected helps maintain good brain health for longer.
Congratualtions for completing the Big Brain Challenge!
You can now enter the brain health phrase in the form below, and be entered with a chance to win an iPad that has been donated by Jersey Telecom.
Keep us up to date on how you’re getting on and share your photos!
Please tag @dementia_jersey on Instagram and @dementiajersey on Facebook, also using #BigBrainChallenge
Some of the information on this page has been provided by Alzheimer’s Research UK