Dementia Jersey Boost Your Brain Avatar Exercise group

Keep Moving!

Physical activity has many health benefits for the body and the brain, such as improving blood flow, reducing inflammation, and stimulating the growth of new brain cells. So keeping our bodies active is key to improving heart and brain health… but that doesn’t have to mean hitting the gym. It could mean something simple such as having a regular brisk walk instead of taking the bus.

Other examples include:

– Dancing: whether it’s in the kitchen, at an event, or in an exercise class… dancing is a fun way to move your joints and help your heart. And learning new steps is great for cognition, too!
– Pilates: Pilates strengthens core muscles, enhances posture, and promotes body awareness. It’s also great for stress, which in turn can help promote sleep.
– Golf: this combines physical activity with mental concentration, problem solving and spacial awareness.

The NHS has free to use exercise videos. Take a look to see if they can help you to move more at home:

Fitness Studio exercise videos – NHS