Dementia Friendly Businesses – why get involved?

Future-proofing – it is estimated that within a generation the numbers of people with dementia in the island will double, and that 1 in 5 islanders will be aged 65 or over. By making changes now, you will be anticipating a growing need from customers and staff.

Enhanced brand reputation – becoming dementia friendly will help you demonstrate that you are socially responsible and value your customers. Our audit will also help you better understand the needs of your customers with dementia.

Competitive advantage – research shows that 83% of people with memory problems have switched their shopping habits to places that are more accessible (Alzheimer’s Society, 2013). Becoming dementia friendly will enable you to retain existing customers and attract new ones.

Improved customer service – increased knowledge and awareness of dementia will make your staff more confident when dealing with customers with various disabilities, including dementia. They will have a greater understanding of potential scenarios, and as a result will be able to provide better customer service and reduce the number of complaints.

Complying with the law – under the Discrimination (Jersey) Law 2013 and the new regulations added in 2018 to include disability discrimination, organisations have a legal obligation to ensure consumers are adequately protected and that access to services is as inclusive as possible. This includes making ‘reasonable adjustments’ for customers and employees with disabilities, including people living with dementia.

The ‘Dementia Pound’ – People with dementia and their families often have considerable disposable income and spending power, with the average household affected by dementia spending £16,800 per year in the UK. As people develop dementia they will do and spend less unless businesses adapt to their needs.

How to get involved

Becoming a dementia friendly organisation requires awareness raising, education and looking at the world through a different lens.

Each dementia friendly organisation will look different but may include:

  • Businesses that provide accessible services and train their employees to understand dementia.
  • Employers that provide support for people living with dementia to continue with paid employment.
  • Reliable transport options staffed by people who understand the cognitive deficits associated with dementia.

Organisations who wish to become certified will be required to:

  1. Assign a key person who will work with Dementia Jersey throughout the certification process.
  2. Agree to an audit that will highlight areas where improvements can be made.
  3. Submit an action plan based on the findings of the audit.
  4. Have the action plan approved and reviewed annually by Dementia Jersey.
  5. Demonstrate progress against the planned actions.

For an organisation to become dementia friendly the audits will focus on three key areas: People, Processes and Place.

For more details contact Peter Bolam, Dementia Project Manager on