Dementia Support Line
Sleep is Key
There is a complex relationship between sleep and dementia which we don’t yet fully understand. What we do know, however, is that a lack of sleep is an issue for everyone’s health and makes it harder for all of us to think clearly and do enjoy the things we love.
Some studies have suggested that less than six hours sleep a night for sustained periods, or very broken sleep, can increase the chance that we will develop dementia significantly. While we can’t say for sure whether poor sleep is a cause or early warning sign of dementia, we do know for certain that we should all aim for at least seven hours per night on average.
And if you have difficulties in sleeping well, you aren’t alone. Sleep problems are challenging but very common. Luckily, there are many resources online with advice and support to help you sleep. Take a look at the advice given by The Sleep Charity, one of the leading, independent expert voices on sleep issues in the UK .
The NHS also has a free bedtime meditation video to help you sleep. Click here: Bedtime meditation video – NHS