Resources for Teachers

Our free school resources for Key Stages Three and Four can help you to educate the next generation to become dementia aware – and begin to understand how brain health can reduce the risk of developing dementia.

Here you can find a teachers’ pack – meaning no prior knowledge of dementia is required for delivery. This includes a series of homework activities. However, we do also visit schools, so get in touch if you’d like us to run a session in your school! These accompany the homework activities perfectly.

Teach at Primary level? We can also offer Dementia Awareness assemblies for younger children at an age-appropriate level. Likewise, get in touch if you need something bespoke for Key Stage Five, and we’ll see how we can help.

The Boost Your Brain campaign aligns with Alzheimer’s Research UK Think Brain Health. Dementia Jersey acknowledges their support and consent for us to share this messaging.

Further resources for schools can also be found at Dementia teaching resources | Alzheimer’s Society

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