Dementia Jersey Boost Your Brain Avatar Social Connections

Social Connections

Keeping connected to the people around us is another good way to give back to our brains. When we stay connected to others, we make plans and have to stick to times, consider travel arrangements etc. We learn new things, and draw on our memory.

Social activity may also help prevent or delay dementia by reducing stress and enhancing mood. It can provide emotional support and a sense of belonging. Not all of us are extroverts, but don’t worry, there is a variety of ways we can socialise with us for the sake of our brain health. Some things you can do include the following:

– Make telephone calls: regular phone calls to check in with relatives. Texting may be quick, but the benefits of a chat on the phone increase connections and far exceed sending messages.
– Volunteer: offer your support by sharing skills or experience for those who need it.
– Adopt a pet: if you have the resources, finding a furry friend can give an emotional connection and encourage you to get out and about, where you’ll meet likeminded souls.

Read more about why social connection is important, here.