Daniel Du Heaume

Daniel Du Heaume

Meeting Place Coordinator

About me

Dan is responsible for developing and delivering the charity’s Meeting Place Project. He joined the charity in 2021 when he returned to the island after working for charities in the UK.

Having worked in the UK charity sector for some of the biggest national environmental charities and for the oldest health charity in Nottingham, he brings expertise in planning and delivering projects, education, hosting creative events and working with volunteers.

What I love about my job

I love working with organisations who help others, and Dementia Jersey helps people at one of the most difficult times of their lives. I love the challenge of helping people understand an extremely complex condition and it’s amazing to see people’s attitudes to dementia changing on the island.

Being born and bred in Jersey, It’s great to be able to bring the project management, event planning and volunteering skills that I honed in the UK charity sector to the island. I love working with people and businesses on Jersey as it’s such a close-knit and supportive community.

Did you know

Dan has 3 young kids who keep him busy at home, the park and the beach. He enjoys playing the drums and guitar, juggling, skateboarding and sea swimming all year round!