Lauren Perchard-Rees

Lauren Perchard-Rees


About me

Lauren joined the Board of Trustees in September 2022. Prior to then she had held the position of Executive Director of another local health related charity for 7 years. She is keen to share her experiences and passions on a voluntary basis, supporting the further growth of Dementia Jersey – a charity she feels is professional and personal, and whose remit will only grow as more people are expected to become affected by dementia.

Lauren has 20 years’ experience delivering and leading cancer services. More recently she has qualified as a Lifestyle Medicine Professional, an approach to health care that focusses on prevention and management of chronic illness through evidence-based lifestyle changes.

She hopes to work alongside the Dementia Jersey team strategically to support and optimise the lifestyle factors of people using the services now and her life aspiration is to prevent a few cases in the future.

What I love about my job

I have been so impressed by the Board and employees I have met so far, their passion to make a difference is genuine and they will do all they can to ensure they meet the charity’s vision of making Jersey a more dementia-friendly island, where all those affected by the illness are understood, welcomed and supported.

I love working in the charity sector in Jersey. There is so much potential to work together to improve people’s lives and meet incredible members of our community along the way.

Did you know

Lauren has so many interests outside of her working life. Her biggest love is her extended family – she is a Jersey girl with a husband, son and dog, and her parents and four siblings all live east of island and enjoy gathering together regularly.

When not with family she can usually be found cycling around the island or on Gorey beach gazing out to sea.