Mike Warstat

Mike Warstat

Web and Design Coordinator

About me

Mike joined the Dementia Jersey team in January 2022 and uses his design and digital skills to create great looking resources which help us promote dementia awareness in Jersey.

Mike has nearly 30 years’ experience working for local media and marketing agencies in Jersey. He started his career as a graphic designer at the Jersey Evening post, moving on to publishing houses, advertising agencies and then running his own design agency for 15 years. He is a highly skilled creative specialising in advertising, print and website design.

What I love about my job

This is a cause close to my heart as my mother was aware that she had started to show signs of dementia before she passed away and I saw first hand how worrying this was for her. The team here at Dementia Jersey are amazing and I am really excited to use my skills and experience to help them make a difference and promote dementia awareness in Jersey.

Did you know

Mike is originally from Canada. Mike moved to Jersey with his family when he was 7 years old. He is married with 3 children aged 18, 12 & 4 and enjoys taking family walks with his dogs.

He also loves travelling and once had a 5 week holiday spent island hopping and diving with sharks in the Bahamas.