Our Lived Experience Advisory panel (LEAP) brings together up to 25 people with dementia and others with lived experience of supporting or caring for a person with dementia, across 4 groups.
The panel discuss important issues related to living with a diagnosis of dementia to inform others with accurate information and to help reduce stigma.
The panel meets 4 times a year and each session is facilitated by our Clinical Lead.
The subjects discussed are varied, but always have a focus on people’s lived experiences and have included subjects including, people’s experiences in hospital, of travelling around the island and off island, of day care centres and of prescribed medications, amongst many others.
Summary documents for LEAP meetings are available below and paper copies are also available from our office. Each document includes a summary of the discussions and any recommendations for change suggested by the panel.
If you would like more information about Dementia Jersey’s LEAP or would like to talk with one of the team about joining a LEAP meeting, please email info@dementia.je or call Dementia Jersey on 01534 723519.