Dementia Jersey Big Brian Challenge - Challenge 4

Welcome to Dementia Jersey’s Big Brain Challenge!

The challenge is to navigate your way to all 25 locations on the island to have a chance to win an iPad donated by Jersey Telecom.

Dementia Jersey Big Brain Challenge Location

Dementia Jersey allotment in St Clement.

Each location contains some information about improving your brain health, and a clue to the next location. As you read the information about improving your brain health, you will notice that there is a letter in purple. Make a record of each purple letter at each site so that once you have visited them all you will be able to make a phrase about brain health. You can then submit the phrase via our website, giving you a chance to win an iPad.

Dementia Jersey Big Brain Challenge Message

It doesn’t need to be formal.

We all know we should be exercising more and sitting less but, sometimes, it can be hard to find the time to go to the gym or fit in a swim. However, formal exercise isn’t the only way to keep moving.  Evidence is mounting that incidental activity – exercise that occurs as part and parcel of our day-to-day routine – is also beneficial to the body and brain. In fact, to maintain and improve brain health, the Global Council on Brain Health recommends that we do formal exercise AND try to be active in our day-to-day lives. Plus, with research suggesting that formal exercise alone won’t undo the effects of sitting for long periods of time we are being urged to ‘sit less, move more’. 

Dementia Jersey Big Brian Challenge - Letter 4
Dementia Jersey Big Brain Challenge Clue to next location

Started as a plant nursery but is now a garden centre, with pet shop, coffee shop and clothes shop, still run by its founder.

Dementia Jersey Big Brain Challenge Keep us up to date on social

Keep us up to date on how you’re getting on and share your photos!

Please tag @dementia_jersey on Instagram and @dementiajersey on Facebook, also using #BigBrainChallenge 

Some of the information on this page has been provided by Alzheimer’s Research UK